The reason for my absence is good old NaNoWriMo - it has take over my life in a way I could not have envisaged. I am obsessed by it. If I don't write on any particular day, I get twitchy and feel dreadfully guilty. I am constantly thinking about my characters everywhere I go, whether I am in the shower, out with the dogs or on a run. And I am actually beginning to think that they may actually be real!
My YA story has taken on twists and turns I could not have imagined. I have smugglers, wreckers, a twenty first century girl in love with a seventeenth century boy. There is a murder, a ghost and a seance! Oh and my lead character quite fancies and has had a few dates with a twenty first century boy! What a tangled web I have weaved. I LOVE IT!
The reason I started this blog was to encourage me to write, as I am a bit of a lazy mare to be honest, but the one thing I like about NaNo is that I feel that I have deadlines. I love deadlines. I work so much better under pressure and I have managed to keep up with the daily word count. I think my story is probably a pile of poo and will need so much editing. I would absolutely love it to be published, but I am so not that lucky, or talented. I am under no illusions, I am not an author, or a novelist - that is a prestigious title awarded to a few hard working and wonderfully talented writers. I have been fortunate to meet a few, and I follow some on Twitter. I am also fortunate to have known one from school. (You know who you are!) These writers do inspire me and continue to do so on a daily basis - for this I thank them.
You may have noticed that my blog space is devoid of any widget thingy to do with NaNo. I have visited the NaNo website to see if I can get a widget thingy for my site. Lets just say, that me and technology do not go together. I can't do it so I have given up. Anyone? All technical help welcome!
To brighten up the page, below is a photo of my desk - my work space - my oasis of calm - or rather my kitchen table!
I have had quite a lot of encouragement from my friends and my running club, they think it's great, but not so much from my hubby. As I am a housewife, my job is tending to house, husband and daughter, which I don't do too badly at. But and this is a big but, if I forget to do something like the ironing, well stand back. I get into so much trouble! Now hubby sees my writing as my hobby! Let me tell you, I am not impressed by that reference to my, erm, well, future career!
I can see his point though, as I have only earned fifty quid from my writing all year. I think if I ever manage to publish more than one article he might change his mind. I think if I do publish a book, he will have to eat his words. Not sure I will acknowledge him though!