Wednesday, 22 September 2010


It is so easy to do - procrastinating that is! This is the first thing I have written today. Sorry, that is not strictly true, I have tweeted a bit and emailed the lovely Ruth, from 'The Great British Bake Off'. Not very impressive. Even washing dirty sheets is more important today. Yesterday I didn't blog, but then I ended up having a contact lenses check up, mentioned an innocent floater that I have had for ages, next thing I know I am having eye drops put in to dilate the pupils, photographs taken of my eyeball (they looked very pretty), referrals made to the eye clinic!! What! Furthermore, my pupils looked like I had consumed vast quantities of illegal substances, and I couldn't tolerate the sunlight. Therefore, I spent most of yesterday lying down in a darkened room, with my glasses on, watching old re-runs of Friends!

Not a bad way to spend a day, I hear your cry. No you're right, it's not. But I must stress I absolutely hate wearing my glasses. I blame the NHS pink plastic things, that when at seven years old, I snuck them on my face in assembly, whilst singing 'Lord of All Hopefulness', flat and out of tune, although it was a bonus that I could actually see the words on the projector! Anyway, Mike Kirby turned around, pointed, laughed and screamed between his mirth's, "Duckie is wearing glasses!" I could have died, and I am afraid that the floor didn't open and swallow me up, despite my begging. Anyway, I have been emotionally scared by this trauma, and it is contact lenses all the way for me now!

On a more positive note, I have finished my short story, and am psyching myself up to email it to a friend for scrutiny. Not sure I want to yet, it probably needs more work. Will leave it alone for a day or so and then I will revisit and revise. Will let you know how I get on.


  1. I can procrastinate with the best of them and waste days when I could be increasing the word count on my WiP.

    Good luck with your short story, I should be getting on with one tonight.

  2. Hi Debs, sorry for the delay in responding to your comment, you must think me terribly rude. I am just getting to grips with blogging and the technology involved.

    I hope you got your story written, I did eventually and I have sent it off to a competition. Not expecting to win, but the feedback will be invaluable. Hope your story went ok.
