Saturday, 30 October 2010

Take That!

I am ashamed to admit that me, a grown women, spent the majority of Friday on the computer trying to purchase Take That tickets, and when I didn't get them, I had only what can be described as a tantrum. In fact, I outdid my 5 (nearly 6) year old daughter in the tantrum department. And boy was she shocked.

I decided that out of my friends, I would be in charge of purchasing. I have always got tickets before and didn't foresee any problems this time either. Oh, how I was mistaken. The website I usually use didn't exactly crash, but the 'server stopped responding'. How anyone managed to obtain tickets is beyond me. They obviously did not have a life on Friday.

The mission began at 8.30 am sharp. My daughter had to fend for herself, although I had placed an array of drinks and snacks within easy reach, and the dogs didn't get walked. Me, well, so convinced was I that I would get tickets, I didn't even bother to get dressed. I assumed it would all be over by 9.10 am and it would be just a matter of entering those all important credit card details.

9.10 am came and went, and so did 9.30 and 10 o'clock. I was not a happy bunny. It was about then I realised that I needed to get dressed and get on with my life. I thought that a bath was the answer rather than a shower, as I could take the laptop in with me, balance it on a stool, and continue to 'refresh' the page when needed. So that is what I did!

11.30 am. Still no joy, so I made an executive decision to walk the dogs. This took another half an hour before I could leave the computer without exhibiting withdrawal symptoms. By this point it was raining, but I eventually managed to drag myself away from the computer for an hour. Returned and was promptly back online.

I then had to go out to the GobbleDeeBook children's literature festival, which has been organised by the lovely Caroline Smailes. We went to listen to Guy Bass talk about his fabulous book 'Secret Santa - Agent of X.M.A.S'. He cheered me up no end! He was lively, funny, witty and intelligent. Oh and rather cute as well. But not Howard! The children loved him, and I found myself laughing along too. Fab!

The really sad thing is that I was stressing while I was there, just in case they had released more dates for Manchester. (Even though I had resigned myself to not getting any), I just had to get near a computer. I was like a woman possessed!

What makes us sensible, (but fun loving) mature women turn into a bunch of teenagers again? Is it because they (the band) remind us of our youth? Or is it just an excuse to relieve our youth and have all the fantasies we used to have? I mean, come on girls would we really leave our husbands and families for a romp with the Take That boys? Seriously? I don't think so.

Admittedly back in the day, I didn't really like them much. Mainly because I was a mean and moody biker chick and listened to rock music. Take That didn't really go with 'the look' I was trying to portray you know! I mean you can't exactly race around on a motorbike, wearing leather and listening to 'Pray' can you?

I know that I have had the odd fantasy of running off with Howard. I know, I am delusional, but you see, we share the same surname so I assumed it would be fate. Just for the record my maiden name is Donald. Funny though that when I married, I was so relieved to get rid of it, as I was teased dreadfully because of my name. Just call me 'Duckie'.

It seemed that the entire female population (and respective boyfriends whose lives wouldn't be worth living if they didn't send the text saying 'I've got them!) had gone nuts for tickets. Then to really rub salt in my wounds, I then had to sit through a brief chat between Gary Barlow and Chris Evans, talking about how all the tickets had sold out. IT WAS ONLY TEN PAST NINE! And to make matters worse, Gary was out walking his dog! I was incensed, ggrrrr, my poor dogs were not going to get a walk. And I couldn't even turn off the radio, as that would mean leaving my prime position in front of the computer - I just couldn't do it.

To be honest, I have recovered from my disappointment. Actually, I haven't I am gutted. I am also sick to the back teeth of friends on Twitter and Facebook, telling me they have tickets. Hmph! But, it's not the end of the world really. I mean, I have been the last two times, and I have seen Robbie as well. (He was awful, can't actually recommend him at all). I don't actually like Robbie much, not that I know him, but his persona is one of arrogance and 'look at me'. So I don't think I will be missing much. And that is what I will keep telling myself from now until next June!

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Lark or Owl?

I have spent the last few days (and every weekend) getting up at 6 am to let the puppy out for a wee. And it got me wondering, am I a lark or an owl? A lark will go to bed early (in my case no later than 10 pm), and rise early, where they will be at their most productive. Whereas an owl will work late into the night, checking emails, surfing the net and even doing housework, before they crash into bed and dread the alarm going off the next day. Which one are you?

I have been at my most productive in the mornings. I manage to update my blog, check emails, put a wash on, empty the dishwasher and make many cups of tea. But the point being, although I feel tired, it's quieter and there are no demands made of me.

Since I have been trying to break into the wonderful world of writing, I have noticed that I am not really able to function well past 7 pm. 7 pm is my watershed, my cut off point. I don't know why, it just is. I prefer to do nothing taxing after that time. Anything that requires concentration needs to be tasked for earlier in the day.

There has been a fair bit of research conducted, primarily in the States, and it is suggested that your lark or owl status is genetic? Not too sure about this, as I have swung from being an owl throughout university, to being a lark once shift work and children arrived. And when I was nursing, I fluctuated between both. Shift work tends to take all choice away. Up all night, sleep all day. I functioned fine. Or did I?

I have discovered a new category - the hummingbird. The hummingbird occasionally rises at dawn and can often stay up late at parties. I think I am now a happy hummingbird! I like that. A little bit of both, in the middle, a happy medium.

As a species, humans are not really night people and we are programmed to function better in the day. I mean we can't see in the dark and have no need to hunt at night (tell that to all the 24 hours supermarkets). However, despite all that, some people do function better at night, and some people function better in the morning. We adapt and compromise our natural schedules depending on life's commitments.

As NaNoWriMo is creeping up on me, (less than a week to go), I really hope that I can learn to function past 7 pm, as I have a feeling that I am going to have to!

Monday, 25 October 2010

Puppy Tales

At weekends I am tasked with the rather dubious pleasure of getting up at 6am to let the puppy out for a wee and a poo. It is a drag, especially as I am filled with dread from as soon as I open my eyes until I reach the utility room, not knowing whether he has managed to hold on or not! Last Saturday, he didn't. And I could smell that he hadn't as soon as I had opened the bedroom door. Not good. He is still a baby, only sixteen weeks old, but the house training hasn't gone as well as expected. He is not living up to our pre-conceived ideas of when he will be house trained. Which was, incidentally, about six weeks ago!

Not that we have high expectations, we don't. It's just that our previous (and current) dogs were, so that is what we expect. We put in the hard work, and we are rewarded for it by having a lovely house trained puppy. Or not as the case may be.

I have started using my daughters old reward chart for when he is dry - both day and night and his reward is a bonio bone. Needless to say, he hasn't had many bones over the past few weeks. I think he is a lazy little thing, as we have been leaving the back door open during the day so he can nip in and out when he needs. But he has been known to stop, just over the threshold and wee there. So what is the point of leaving the door open at all? It was okay during the summer months and the balmy autumn that we have had, but now it is a tad chilly. There is even ice on my car windows this morning. I work in my kitchen, so the door needs to remain firmly shut and the puppy needs to tie a knot in it!

He was dry this morning, yay!

Oh and I do realise that it is Monday morning, but my hubby is on holiday (he has a bathroom to fit), so I still need to get up! Although, I do enjoy the peace and quiet and it gives me a chance to catch up a bit with my writing.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

A Wonderful Way to Spend an Afternoon

I know that I am a bit late in talking about what I got up to on Friday afternoon, but hey, that's just me all over - always a little bit late. I must stress, I am never late for the school pick up, but I do sprint into the playground like I am running the last few yards of the hundred metre sprint. I was occasionally late for work, but that was just bad traffic. But when it comes to trends, I am always behind the times. I just know that I am going to be a source of embarrassment to my daughter in years to come, which to be honest, I am secretly glad about. Sounds of wicked cackling echoing around the kitchen!

I digress, Friday afternoon, well I went to a book fest to listen to 3 wonderful authors talk about, well, being authors. I met the lovely, talented Caroline Smailes, who can be found here; the witty and talented Nik Perring, who can be found here, and the wonderfully imaginative Jon Mayhew here.

Three very different writers, who have all achieved success in their chosen field. How did they do it? Basically, they all posses a great love of writing, wonderful imaginations, and I am afraid to say that I cannot reveal a magic formula, as there isn't one. But, what I can divulge is that like everything else in life, they put in the hours of hard work. I must admit I have not read any of their works as yet, and I must stress yet, as I bought Caroline's latest novel 'Like Bees to Honey', at the book fest. This book has the most beautiful cover, and if I saw the book in the bookstore, the cover would have drawn me to the book initially, then I would have read the blurb and then bought it. Caroline brought the artists initial interpretation of the cover with her. I was expecting some beautiful drawings, but the designs were all done in textiles and hand stitched,they were gorgeous.

Product Details

I am really looking forward to starting 'Like Bees to Honey', but I need to finish one of the Richard & Judy book club reads. "Waiting for Columbus', which, I am not afraid to admit, is hard work!

I also had to opportunity to read the first of Nik's short stories, called Kiss', which was so beautiful and the ending moved me to tears. (Which, I hasten to add is a good thing). 'Kiss' is the first story from his book 'Not So Perfect', which is just the opposite. It's a perfect sized pocket book. You know, the kind of cute thing you can just pick up and put in your pocket! Or in my case, my rather large handbag, where I will never find it! Each story has a simple stick drawing at the beginning, which has a certain childish elegance about them, and I like it. I am really looking forward to getting it and dipping in and out when I can. That is the beauty of short stories.
Product Details

Finally the imaginative Jon Mayhew and his fabulous children's book 'Mortlock'. His ideas are fantastic and I love the look of the book, especially the opening paragraph. It does what it's supposed to do, it entices you in and makes you want to read more. All I can say is that children's books nowadays are fantastic, gone are lashings of ginger beer, talking lions, and adventures up a tree in the Enchanted Forest (still one of my favourites though), and arriving at a bookstore near you are magical and mystical adventures, with a bit of murder thrown in for good measure. How can any child fail to like it?
Product Details

The authors were engaging, approachable, and they divulged some of their secrets. Oh and they also mentioned how they got published. The way I see it, (this is my opinion, not the authors), if you have written something original, which will sell and appeal to a mass audience, you are in with a chance of being published! So I don't think I will have a problem then! Not! Oh and more importantly, you actually have to be able to write. And it helps if you can put in the hard graft a the computer.

All that was missing from the afternoon, was cake, You can't have tea without it!

I promise when I have read the books, that I will review them here. All I can say now is I am sure they will be fabulous!

If any of you stop by, I just want to say thank you so much for an informative, inspiring, and funny afternoon.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Children's Party Dilemmas

I am currently tearing my hair out trying to organise my daughter's 6th birthday party! I didn't actually want a party for her, not a full on party in a hall, where you have to invite the entire class, or run the risk of offending one of the mothers. But I have succumbed to the pressure, and the party will be held in a hall, but I am not inviting the entire class. To be fair to the other mum's, this does not appear to be the norm, so I am not breaking the unwritten rules of the playground!

The problem with children's parties, is that they are so competitive. We have been to a space hopper party, a fancy dress disco, a party on a farm, various indoor soft play areas, a pamper party, (they were 4, I was not happy), and the best one of all a party in a hall with what I would call traditional party games!

This is what I am aiming for, a traditional party with traditional games led by me and my husband! Shriek! I was originally going for a craft party as they are a creative lot, but by the time you have purchased the materials for the craft, food, cake, party bags, prizes for games etc, you have spent a fortune!

Then you have to cater for the mum's, which means putting your baking skills to the test, (something I am not particularly stressed about), but it has to be done, otherwise the whispers around the playground will reach you and you will be categorised as the 'slummy mummy', the one who serves shop bought cakes and food. This means that not only will I be up half the night baking for the mums, I also have to wrap pass the parcel to ensure that every child gets a prize when they peal off a layer of paper. I mean, what is that all about? Gone are the days when only one child would win a prize, the one who was lucky enough to rip of the last layer of paper which leads to the exciting prize underneath. The tantrums I had to deal with when one girl wanted to to win every time, not content with the chocolate she had received when unwrapping the paper, no, she wanted it all! The screams were deafening. She is not invited this year.

Shall I not have a pass the parcel? Tempting, but will the mum's notice? Probably, not much gets past them!

As I don't work at the moment, I tried to get to know the mum's at school, bad idea. The clique had already formed as early as nursery, and no one was going to get in. I was invited to a Chinese meal by one member, who is lovely, but I think I got a bit drunk, and I wasn't invited to the latest one. I know I didn't say anything too incriminating, but no return invitation. Although, judging by the way they were talking, sorry gossiping about another mum, not sure I want to go back. I will just leave them to gossip about me in future! In fact one mum, who I used to talk to a fair bit at the gates and in the park, completely ignores me now! She even turns away when I approach so she doesn't have to make eye contact. It is hilarious.

Anyway back to the party dilemmas. I think I am going to have to re-discover a whole host of party games and have a stiff drink waiting on my return.

The problem with the party is that is in November, which is not normally a problem, but it is the month of NaNoWriMo, so I have enough to do without organising the party of the decade! The writing, hmmm, I was stupid enough to think, well, hope really, that the first story I had written since school would actually win a competition. It didn't, which I knew it wouldn't really in my heart of hearts, but the critique was helpful though. I am actually quite disappointed. I need more practice at this, and I think NaNo will give me that.

I need to get organised a bit for NaNo as it the start is skulking up on me and it will be here before know it. I must get organised, I must, I must.

Monday, 11 October 2010

The Sunny Wirral

It is another beautiful day on the sunny Wirral! I am quite fortunate as I haven't switched my wardrobe over yet, so I am still wearing my summer clothes, albeit with a cardigan (it's not that warm!) At the moment I tend to do all my writing sat at the kitchen table overlooking the garden. And the garden is looking rather gorgeous, even if I do say so myself. I have a virgina creeper, which I have grown over a low fence, which separates the dogs area from the rest of the garden. The leaves are the most gorgeous deep crimson colour, which is positively glowing with the sun shining on it. The contrast with the deep green leaves off the twisted hazel, which is next door, makes the garden a beautiful vista to look out upon. Very good for daydreaming, not so good for productive writing!

Writing, well, I have my assignments back from my 'new' tutor, (I didn't even know that the old one had left!), and he liked them! Yay. A bit long, but on the whole, pretty good. The problem is finding a magazine to publish them. It is so difficult to even receive a response from an editor. I think that the problem I have, is that I used to be a solicitor, and my working life was based around deadlines, set by the court, which generally needed to be met. Although, with a bit of wrangling and agreement from the opposing side, they could be changed. However, the point being, I am used to people getting back to me, and if they didn't I would chase them.

I need to learn patience. This is a whole new career opening up, and I have lots to learn.

Need to nip out to physio now, but I have lots of ideas for my book for NaNo and I want to start it now. Enjoying the research though. Who would have thought the Wirral was full of smugglers, wreckers and ultimately murderers!!

Watch this space...

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

There is Blue Sky Ahead!

I live very close to some beautiful woodland, and I love to spend time walking my dogs. If Juliette comes she spends it climbing trees, and likes to visit the fairy queen of the woods. It's great as she spends the entire walk 'playing' with fairy queen's daughter 'Lucy'.

Storeton woods, as they are known, used to be a quarry, and stone was quarried here right up until the twentieth century. The creamy sandstone was used for many local building projects, including Birkenhead Town Hall. But is was also shipped to New York to be used as cladding for the Empire State Building. Fame at last for Higher Bebington! I like to think that there is a little bit of Higher Bebington, immortalised forever in that dazzling city we call New York.

The quarry was also the site of discovery for dinosaur footprints, which are now on display in the Liverpool Museum. That particular fact does not hold much interest for Juliette, preferring fairies to dinosaurs!

The quarry has long been filled in, and is now a beautiful woodland, which I am lucky to have on my doorstep, only a short walk away.

The sun is shining now. Typical, it wasn't so shiny when I was out with the boys.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Saturday Afternoons!

So far so good. Hubby is away in the Lake District where he and a couple of friends are competing in a fell race, more fool them! Juliette is at a party so I have an hour or two to kill before my daughter comes home so I thought I would watch an episode of Ugly Betty and update my blog, whilst eating some Haagen-Dazs ice cream!

I figure I can get away with the ice cream as I am running the Liverpool 10k tomorrow. I am actually looking forward to it and I am hoping to beat my previous time of 59 mins and a few seconds!! Who knows. If I don't my excuse is (notice I am getting these in early) that my achilles is killing me! I am having physio, but it's still really sore.

My hubby is away overnight, so I am looking forward to a girlie night in with ice-cream and either Strictly or the X factor? Celebs who cannot dance yet or talented no-bodies who can actually sing? Can't choose, I love them both!

Oo I have submitted my short story to the writing competition, probably won't win, but the feedback will hopefully be constructive and useful. Watch this space! Right, am missing Ugly Betty, so back soon...