Monday, 25 October 2010

Puppy Tales

At weekends I am tasked with the rather dubious pleasure of getting up at 6am to let the puppy out for a wee and a poo. It is a drag, especially as I am filled with dread from as soon as I open my eyes until I reach the utility room, not knowing whether he has managed to hold on or not! Last Saturday, he didn't. And I could smell that he hadn't as soon as I had opened the bedroom door. Not good. He is still a baby, only sixteen weeks old, but the house training hasn't gone as well as expected. He is not living up to our pre-conceived ideas of when he will be house trained. Which was, incidentally, about six weeks ago!

Not that we have high expectations, we don't. It's just that our previous (and current) dogs were, so that is what we expect. We put in the hard work, and we are rewarded for it by having a lovely house trained puppy. Or not as the case may be.

I have started using my daughters old reward chart for when he is dry - both day and night and his reward is a bonio bone. Needless to say, he hasn't had many bones over the past few weeks. I think he is a lazy little thing, as we have been leaving the back door open during the day so he can nip in and out when he needs. But he has been known to stop, just over the threshold and wee there. So what is the point of leaving the door open at all? It was okay during the summer months and the balmy autumn that we have had, but now it is a tad chilly. There is even ice on my car windows this morning. I work in my kitchen, so the door needs to remain firmly shut and the puppy needs to tie a knot in it!

He was dry this morning, yay!

Oh and I do realise that it is Monday morning, but my hubby is on holiday (he has a bathroom to fit), so I still need to get up! Although, I do enjoy the peace and quiet and it gives me a chance to catch up a bit with my writing.

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